Working Together, Facing Difficulties and Going Up——Guangzhou Derixing Plastic Material Co.,Ltd. Successfully Holds the 2024 Team Building Event

Published On: 6月 26th, 2024Categories: Corporate News

In order to enhance team cohesion and combat effectiveness, and to express gratitude for the hard work and dedication of all employees, Guangzhou Derixing Plastic Material Co.,Ltd. organized a team tourism activity with the theme of “Working Together, Facing Difficulties and Going Up” from June 21 to 22, 2024. This event not only provides employees with opportunities to relax, but also promotes communication and collaboration among teams, injecting new vitality into the development of the company.

The event officially kicked off at 8:30 am on June 21st. All employees gather in front of the office building, hang up banners, set up company flags, and take a group photo as a souvenir. Everyone is full of energy and smiles, indicating the complete success of the event.

Subsequently, everyone went to the underground river in Lianzhou to experience the mysterious underground world. The beautiful underground river makes everyone linger and marvel at the incredible craftsmanship of nature. Here, everyone collaborates with each other, not only exercising their teamwork skills, but also deepening their understanding and trust in each other.That night, in the love town of China, the barbecue and bonfire party pushed the atmosphere of the event to a climax. Employees cheered and laughed beside the bonfire, sharing food and painting the future together.

The next day, accompanied by the first ray of sunshine in the morning, everyone set off on time and took a boat tour of the magnificent Huangchuan Three Gorges. On the ship, everyone admires the beautiful scenery along the way and feels the charm of nature. At the same time, team members also engaged in in-depth communication and interaction, further enhancing friendship and understanding between each other.The itinerary ends at 14:00 in the afternoon and ends perfectly.

The successful holding of the “Working Together, Facing Difficulties and Going Up” team tourism activity not only demonstrates Derixing’s humanistic care for employees and team building, but also further stimulates their work enthusiasm and innovative spirit. We believe that in the future, all employees of Derixing will continue to work hand in hand and create brilliance together!

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